About Us
1,000+ Satisfied Clients Granted Doctorates & Masters Degrees from:
- Capella University
- Grand Canyon University
- Northcentral University
- University of Phoenix
- Walden University
Ivy League
- Columbia University
- Dartmouth
- Harvard
- Princeton
- University of Pennsylvania
- Yale
- Baylor University
- Texas A & M
- UT Austin
- UT Dallas
- King Khalid University
- King Saud University
- University of Dubai
- University of Leipzig
- Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
Experienced Team
Our professionals are owners and are thankful for the opportunity to serve our clients. Team members have PhD's in Education, Business, Social Sciences, Public Policy, IT Management, Nursing, Medicine, Engineering, and the Arts. We provide hands-on support from topic selection through Final Oral Defense.
Trust Comes First
We work closely with our clients for as long as a year, and our involvement in your journey requires a trusting relationship that begins with a clear set of mutual expectations and a specific timeline.
Advisor Comments are Often Inscrutable. (We have the Play Book!)
We understand advisor speak and will minimize the number of redrafts. The number one reason candidates take a year off is frustration with advisor comments!!
Our job is to help you FINISH! Let's spend a few minutes chatting about how.